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1. Do you engage in physical activity?

a) Yes

b) No


2. In which age group are you in?

a) 15 to 19 years

b) 19 to 29 years

c) 30 to 39 years

d) 40 to 49 years

e) 50 to 60 years

f) 60 to 80 years


3. What is your occupation?


a) Student

b) Worker

c) Businessperson

d) Housewife

e) Pensioner


4. What is your marital status?


a) Single

b) Married

d) Free Union


5. Which social stratum do you belong to?


a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

e) 5

f) 6


6 .Where do you usually perform physical activity?

a) Gym

b) In the park

c) In the house

d) Other sports centers


7 Why do you perform physical activity?

a) Health

b) Beauty

c) Hobby

d) Other ______________________


8How do you prefer to engage in your physical activity?

a) Individual

b) Personalized

c) Group

d) Accompanied


9.  How do you prefer a gym?

a) Joint

b) By gender


10. Currently in what do you spend your disposable money?

a) Clothing

b) Entertainment

c) Health and Beauty

d) Others



2. Survey


1 ĀæHow often do you go to the gym? 


a. Once a week 

b. Twice weekly 

c. Three times a week 

d. More than four times a week 

e. Everyday 


2 Āæ Is it uncomfortable for you to exercise in the presence of men? 


a. Yes 

b. no 

c. doesĀ“nt matter


3  ĀæYou prefer to be trained by a  coach ?:


a. man 

b. Women 

c. does not matter


4  ĀæHow many hours you use to spend in the gym ?


a. Less than one hour 

b. From one to two hours 

c. Two to four hours 

d. More than four hours 


5 Āæ At what time do you go to the gym? 


a. From 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. 

b. From 7am to 12m 

c. From 1pm to 4pm 

d. 4pm to 7pm 

e. From 7pm to 10pm 


6  ĀæWhen you go to the gym what is the area you more often used (if you want you can  select more than one answer) ?


a. Cardio 

b. toning 

c. group classes 

d. wetlands 


7 Āæ In a Rate of 1-5 with 1 being the least and 5 being the most used  qualify the following machines for cardio?


a. elliptical 

b. climber 

c. treadmill 

d. bike 

e. Remo



1. Survey 




Ā© 20203 by THE GYM. Proudly created with

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Monday to Thursday 5 am - 10 pm 

Friday 5 am - 8 pm.

Saturday 7 am - 5 pm 

Sundays 7am - 3pm


Cr 55 b # 186- 84 - Mirandela 

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