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Childbearing rates



Childbearing rate in Colombia: 2.12 children born / woman (2011 est.)




This variable gives us the average number of children that would be born per woman if all women lived to the end of their childbearing years.  2.12 children born/ woman is a factor that may be an opportunity for us because rates above two children indicate populations growing in size so weĀ“ll have the chance to position our brand to more people in the future. 


Number of marriages


According to the Superintendent of Notaries and Registration, Jorge Enrique Velez Garcia,between

January and May of 2014, 23.645 couples got married, decreased by 1.41% from the previous year (2013).

Specifically in BogotĆ”, 1.745 couples got married, 104 less from the first five months of the previous year.




According to the information, we can see that there is a trend that consists in the reduction of Colombian people that are convinced to marry. We can see this factor as a great opportunity because women without marrying tend to spend more money in things that satisfy their personal needs. Also, it is a niche that does not have   monetary obligations with kids or house staff. We can persuade this type of persons to follow a healthy life that we offer.




Number of divorces


                                                     According to the Superintendent of Notaries and Registration, Jorge Enrique Velez Garcia, in the three first months of                                                                         the year 2013, 3.700 couples got divorced, compared with the 4.345 from the previous year (2012). There is a trend                                                                               toward the reduce of divorces according to the newspaper (El espectador).



                                                                      Colombia is one of the countries that register the lowest number of divorces. For the industry, it is a big                                                                                      threat to have  many women married because this niche is focused on taking care of kids and house stuff                                                                               and may not   be interested in going to a medical sport center like Curves center.


                                                                      On the other hand itĀ“s important to take into account that those married woman would like to be in healthy                                                                      conditions for their husbands, so they would like to try our services and it may be an opportunity for  us.  





Number of deaths


Number of deaths in Colombia: 5, 36 deaths/ 1,000 habitants




The number of deaths is increasing through the years from

2010 in all type of ages. The industry is in a business that cares

about people health, so we see an opportunity on social

responsibility which means offering a lot of healthy benefits

in order to reduce the mortality of woman.













Traffic congestion

Today, Colombians feel stuck in traffic around the 

 country and    they wonā€™t be able to imagine the chaos

that awaits them in the next ten years.

According to a study, the rate of vehicular motorization

(cars and motorcycles per inhabitant) is robustly

growing and will continue to do so in upcoming




At present, Colombia has less than seven cars and five

motorcycles for every 100 inhabitants, which is low

compared with countries with similar economic

development. The Colombian capital is the clearest

example of the chaos that is being experienced and which will only get worse. Greater BogotĆ” (BogotĆ”, CajicĆ”, ChĆ­a, Cota, Funza, La Calera, Madrid, Mosquera, SibatĆ© and Soacha) will have twice as many vehicles in 2020 as it does today. In 2030 there will be three times as many. In 2040 it will have 12 million cars. 

The industry may be affected because with increased traffic congestion, people could spend more time traveling from one place to another and possibly will not have time to exercise in a gym.
On the other hand, Curves center is going to be located in (Mirandela) a neighborhood in the north of the capital, BogotĆ”. Our medical sport center will be close to some main roads in the capital and are frequently the most congested. The access to Curves center might be a threat when having a lot of traffic around.





Buying habits

According to a market research, the first months of the

year, Colombians purchase because of necessity, because

they come to make many Christmas and holiday expenses, the school

season starts and prices rise; and, by May, when they reach the

Mother's Day and Father's Day followed Love and Friendship,

the Children's Day and Christmas, consumption begins to be more

motivated by taste. Thus, the Colombian buyer set much of their

activities and how they spend the chances of your pocket.

In Colombia most of the celebrations as degrees, first communions,

birthdays and anniversaries are presented in the second half of the year.

Colombians have a marked predilection for the yellow and blue; eat meat, rice, tamales, Coca-Cola, hamburgers, beer, chicken broth, carrots and peas, do not really like vegetables, and, in general, regional meals are modifications of the typical dishes of Spanish cuisine, from the "phase" melting pot stew until santafereƱo. Furthermore, in January more light products are consumed in April eaten fish and half year longer eating habits as healthy and soda and chips move; September chocolates, sweets and liquor in October in December.


ItĀ“s important to take into account that Colombians buying habits is not equal during all months; there are many factors that decide their shopping. The industry have to face a difficult market because itā€™s a market that does not spend too much money in the type of service it offers; even most of colombian people  donā€™t care about eating healthy food. Other studies said that most of the people that start working out leave the gym in less than 3 months because of laziness or lack of money/time.






Per capita income


According to Mauricio Cardenas, Minister of Finance:

"If Colombia does an additional point of growth per year on

behalf of the 4G infrastructure, by 2018 per capita income would rise

to $ 11,700 and 10 years (2024) could reach $ 20,000 per capita, which is

the same as it is today Portugal ".






An increase in per capita income tends to generate an increase in the consumption of certain products / services that were not consumed before. For the industry is an opportunity to grow in a market where people is increasing their economic inputs, longer depends on the strategy used to exploit this factor.


Attitude toward work

In Colombia, the work attitude depends on several factors. On one side are those who love what they do but

not where they work and others feel that the salary received is not the one giving the overall market so

it depends on the priorities and preferences of the person and work environment where working.


For industry is an opportunity to make a balance between the factors that can affect whether or not a worker.

Surveys say that 85% of Colombian workers are discouraged in their work, then offer decent jobs is a great







Attitudes toward customer service


                                                                                                                       The Colombian population is constantly engaged with customer service ratings. Those who                                                                                                                              are not satisfied will seek the competition very quickly and that migration can provide critical                                                                                                                          figures of 20 or 30 percent for a company.





                                                                                                                        The migration of customers to the competition for poor customer service is a major threat to the industry because being a service industry, the customer has constant moments of truth with companies and having bad customer service can be fatal to their lifecycles.




Attitude toward saving


In Colombia for many people saving is discipline and sacrifice because they do not have the commitment and

the intension to do so. Colombians always intend to save, but do not, because it is always something that

prevents him emerging as are tempted to buy something they like or just say they'll save for another time and

that moment never comes.

In short, saving is a problem for Colombians, either by lack of jobs or because not enough money to cover

household expenses, or may not be true if that do not have a savings culture and think only luxuries not

be looking at what they may need in the future.

It's an opportunity to know the attitudes that Colombians have toward saving. For Colombian people saving

is difficult, therefore they may spend more of their income. For the industry this is a factor to be leveraged

to attract these people to use the services offered.







Use of birth control


                                                                                                        In Colombia more women and more men is using contraception in order to control or limit the                                                                                                                      number of children they want. Using methods in Colombia increased by 13 percentage points                                                                                                                         between 1990 (66%) and 2010 (79%).

                                                                                                        Today, 61 % of women between 15 and 49 used a method birth, while among married or usage                                                                                                                       percentage is 79 %.

                                                                                                        In this case for curves center, a sports medicine center for women, it is gratifying to know that                                                                                                                         Colombian women are using contraception because more and more so there will be a lower                                                                                                          average     pregnant women and they will be willing to work out in a gym.








Social programs


The Government of Colombia will invest in the next four years, $ 200 million

in social programs. This strategy is related to income generation and

improvement of the living conditions of the population.


The implementation of social programs brings an improvement in the living conditions

f the people through income generation so the industry is able to attack those niche

markets that had no conditions before to use the services the industry offers.








Number of churches


Considering the number of devotees, the major religions in Colombia are:


  • Catholicism with 87.3% of the population

  • Protestantism with 11.5%


There are also considerable amounts of members of the Mormon Church, the Congregation

of Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventist Church. A curious fact, Colombia is one

of the countries in which there are more religions worldwide.

On the other hand, like the capital Bogota of Colombia has many churches (1,544) and religions.

There is large number of people around the world and for this reason, they have brought their

beliefs and cultures not to "surprise" their places of origin. That is why in BogotĆ” can find people

and places for prayer and reflection as:


ā€¢ Catholic Churches as the main religious belief.

ā€¢ Evangelical churches or evangelical movement.

ā€¢ Pentecostalism (United Pentecostal Church of Colombia).

ā€¢ Neopentecostalism (Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International, International Charismatic

Mission, World Revival Center).

ā€¢ Protestantism is a belief that has a small portion of Seventh-day Adventists, Lutherans, Presbyterians,

Methodists and Baptists.


ā€¢ Jehovah's Witnesses.

ā€¢ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

ā€¢ Anglican Communion - belonging to the Episcopal Church in Colombia.

ā€¢ Islam. Buddhism. Judaism are religions of the Far East.

ā€¢ Orthodox Church.


The number of religions and beliefs are increasing. For the industry is a big threat to have people who believe that giving importance to their appearance  makes them  selfish, arrogant and superior to the other person because of their religious beliefs.

On the other side are other religions that see and accept the care of the body as a source of health.







Sex roles


Gender roles have changed with the migration from rural to urban areas. As a result of colonial

influence, Colombian society adopted a culture in which men occupy a dominant role within the

household as breadwinner and disciplinarian and assume responsibility for maintaining family pride

and position within the community

The role of machismo is an important characteristic of public life. Machismo is not synonymous with

strict male dominanceā€”it applies to the public personification of the male family head. Machismo

requires separate male and female roles in economic life and consumption, the reliance of women on men,

and distinct sets of life goals for men and women. With more women holding higher-paying jobs and occupying prominent positions in society, the role of machismo is now less dominant in urban centers but is still evident in rural regions.

Machismo defines a woman's role as a mother in addition to her conjugal role. The traditional male-female relationship assumes that the woman puts her husband's wishes before her own. She is responsible for the care of the children and household, but the husband makes decisions about the household's basic necessities.

While male familial roles are relatively consistent across economic groups, female roles vary as a result of the modern economy. In upper class and some middle class families, women avoid working outside the home in order to preserve family status, honor, and virtue. Women from lower class and lower-middle class families often hold jobs outside the home or work in the fields to contribute to the family's subsistence, giving them a greater degree of equality. Many couples farm fields owned through the wife's family, and in this case it is difficult for a husband living with his wife's family to exercise control over the wife.

Women have assumed visible and important roles in society. Upper class and middle class women dedicate themselves not only to the family but also to social issues and the church.

For the industry is a big threat to be in a patriarchal society where women depend  financially on their husbands and  having women without a  job means they will not have their own income to spend on what they like.





Average disposable income


A recent report of the firm Raddar indicates that Colombian households today have fewer  

monetary resources to spend on clothes, eating outside  home or go to the movies, among

other activities. This is due to a higher amount of loan installments; each person that receives

 $ 1,000 pesos, $ 105 will go to debts.

This is also helped by the fact that household income has slowed .In less than two years these

resources increased from 21.7 percent of total household income to 17.1 percent and, according

to Camilo Herrera, president of Raddar, this trend can be maintained.

Today Colombian households must allocate a higher percentage of their income to pay its debts, which

helps moderate their consumption. The industry offers a "luxury" because it is not a necessary good in the

basket of Colombian families. It threatens to be a market to allocate their disposable income on loan dues because possibly will not have enough money to afford a gym.






Colombians tend to have fun at home through television, tablets, DVD and home theaters.

Studies show that the Colombian style of life will focus on health as obsessive theme. Is expected

to increase the demand for healthy food, Colombians will have physical activity through relaxation centers, spa, gym and beauty salons

In the malls, the gym is becoming essential in the supply of open to the public, according to the study.

For industry is a great opportunity  this changes in the Colombian lifestyles because more they will be more focused on health services. This is a great opportunity to grow in the market offering more tailored services.


Changes in tastes and preferences





                                                                                                                                                  The consumer values ā€‹ā€‹highly the submission of bids, although it feels influenced                                                                                                                                                        by the advice of a friend / friend (word of mouth) and even the desire to try                                                                                                                                                              something new. In all advertising plays an important role.

                                                                                                                                                   In this new century consumers are better informed and have more protections                                                                                                                                                        and more aware of their rights, allowing you to choose quality and ensure safety.                                                                                                                                                    The tendency is to spend more money on phone, new technology, travel and                                                                                                                                                          leisure. All services involving time savings are likely to succeed. Spending                                                                                                                                                                     rationally either saving time or money, is the current lifestyle of our society.

As for the factors most valued consumer emphasizes the importance it attaches to the cleaning and care of commercial establishments, the quality of products or personalized stores. Consumers are becoming increasingly critical attitude and highly value the limited time available to them and are more aware of what they buy. Looking for a good value.

Today's consumers are more reflective, more experts and their level of education and higher education, leading them to adopt more rational behavior in consumption and demand a clear and complete information of the products that will be consumed.

According to the study conducted by International Food trends Ipsos Napoleon Franco, 59% of Colombians claims to have recently made changes to their diet to make it healthier. When asked what were these changes, claim to be using less flour, more vegetables and less fat in most cases, and to a lesser extent, claim to be eating more fruit and less sugar and sweets.


It is a fact that healthy trend is here to stay and that Colombians, despite not become overweight, are becoming increasingly concerned about eating well, for two-thirds of respondents say that most meals (64% ) and beverages (61%) who do are healthy and those that are not usually refreshments, where 40% are healthy and the rest of the so-called "junk" food.

Today,  consumer tastes and preferences  change easily so I t is a threat not to satisfy these tastes and preferences in the services the  industry offers.








The First National Recycling Congress, organized by the ANDI, I report that in Colombia 47%

of the consumption of paper and cardboard is recycled, while in the United States about 60%

is collected, and 70% in Spain.


For the industry itā€™s an opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to sustainable development

and, in particular, waste management and care of the environment. Thereby, companies in the

sector can be known as socially responsible companies.



Number of woman



                                                                                                               The National Administrative Department of Statistics, Dane revealed that                                                                                                                                                                   Colombia are currently 23 million 312 thousand 832 women (50.63 percent) of                                                                                                                                                           the Colombian population.

                                                                                                              The figure was revealed by Dane on World Women's Day. 43.7 percent of the                                                                                                                                                             female population of the country is employed.

                                                                                                               Life expectancy at birth of Colombian women is 78.5 years, ie, the average                                                                                                                                                                  number of years a woman would live as long as existing mortality trends remain                                                                                                                                                      in a given period.

                                                                                                               People more concerned about the physical condition are women. For industry it is                                                                                                                                  important to   know the large percentage of women in the Colombian population.                                                                                                                                   Especially for Curves Center is   important to know the large number of women employed to                                                                                                               provide services as well.






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Average level of education

It is a big opportunity to offer a great professional growth in the industry, that means developing firms that offers opportunities to growth profesionally.

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