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Government Regulations

 Public regulation refers to the decrees, rules and laws that state applies for normal development in all competitions. Public regulation depends watchdog each state agencies. In the field the first athletic body must exercise functions of public regulation is COLDEPORTES , as the first state agency in sport is forced to exert actions regulation and control at the national level to the other agencies that follow are as important relates. At the departmental and municipal sports authorities are located, they meet functions locally in each department and municipality respectively, which by law 181 1995 should perform monitoring within the various sports organizations operating in their territory without exception and should work jointly seeking to strengthen all sectors on sport and recreation. Precisely at the local level is municipal, or in some municipalities as Pereira athletic body is secretary municipal sport, these agencies must develop the same functions, among which include exercise control and oversight to various public organizations sports that operate locally, looking to all the laws and decrees that are met determine the development of soccer at all levels.


it is important the article 81 of the law 181 of 1995 ,which refers to the schools, gymnasiums and other commercial organizations in areas and sports activities martial arts and physical education, and where it is determined that these organizations characterbusiness must be licensed, controlled, monitored and regulated by sports bodies under municipal regulation is handed down, also, is the sports agency itself municipality which must exercise functions of regulation and supervision on the services provided by these organizations, and are respected and fulfilled all conditions of health, higiene and sports fitness. Meaning by this that the municipal secretary of sport and recreation by law is the body that should ensure proper and proper functioning of the gyms without exception throughout the municipality. 


Government regulations in the sports industry mainly ensure that the committees follow the territorial plan and keep the comply with the proposals made by COLDEPORTES, sanitation and operation, including business entities such as gyms, personal trainers and sports academies.




Changes in tax laws

 The tax reform (Law 1607, 2012) implemented for mobile phone service a new national consumption tax at a rate of 4% to be applied to the entire service, not including VAT, which will be used for promotional plans and development of the sport.

The collection of this tax will go to 75% for the sector plan development, promotion and development of sport and recreation; for sporting venues including hits in the catchment areas of the same, and for the attention of national sports games, National Paralympic games, the Olympic and Paralympic commitments acquires Nation cycle and the preparation and participation of athletes in all these games and the single national calendar.

Of all these resources should be allocated at least 3% for the encouragement, promotion and development of sport, recreation athletes with disabilities and cultural and artistic programs of cultural managers and artists with disabilities.


These changes in the tax laws to help the Colombian sports industry in respect to the economic support provided by external entities. It states that for every enrollment  telephone lines to a contribution to: promotion and development of sport,recreationand  for sporting venues.



Special tariffs

In Colombia the key important taxes that entities must be attent to are the:

-rent: 25%

-occacional earnings: 10%

-income taxes:9%

-consumption tax:4%,8%,16% 

-finaltial transactions : 0.4%


Those main taxes are the ones  that any person will be attent to, also are the ones that most companies related with sport activities may pay and be up to date. For the sports industry there are taxes that can be on their favor or some others, the usual ones that have to be payed constantly. 

Political action committees


In compliance with article 50 and following of Act 181 of 1995, is composed of entities and public agencies, private and mixed character, considering his rank, jurisdiction and territorial scope of activities that exercise the functions of promotion, development and practical Sport, recreation and use of leisure time.

In the public sector:

ā€¢ National level: Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education and the Institute

Colombian Sports COLDEPORTES;

ā€¢ Departmental Level: Sports Departmental Bodies

ā€¢ Municipal Level: Municipal and District Sports Authorities.

In the private sector  

ā€¢ National Level: Colombian Olympic Committee, Colombian Paralympic Committee

and National Sports Federations;

ā€¢ Departmental Level: Departmental Sports Leagues and Sports Associations

department; Leagues and Associations Capital District.

ā€¢ Municipal Level: Clubs, Clubs and Promoters Professional Clubs.

Those regulation committees  are responsible for promoting and order all things related to the sport at the national level, affecting public and private institutions and determining strict parameters in sports facilities, including schools, gyms, sports leagues and other entities in the sector.



The sports industry is composed by many Committees that are the heads of proyect directed in pro of the growth of people and institutions.

they are divided depending on the sector and program.  

Voter participation rates 

The figures show that although the electoral roll grew from 1958-2010, an average of 1,893,699 citizens in every presidential election, ie approximately 7.69% by presidential period and 99.97% in the last 52 years , political participation has always fluctuated over 56.52%.



These rates show the participation of citicens in the electoral period, the fluctuation in comparison with past years.

Severity of protests

Expressions of dissent have each context of time and space, but I can say that in Colombia the strikes and protests are ineffective because the interests that lie behind this protest because usually there is a thirst for power from those who try to manipulate the movement, as well as the ones with good, both just want to be beneffit from the movement.



The level of protest in colombia are innumerate due to the big issues that each sector and industry of the country presents. 

The agriculture industry,production and education are the higher level of protest presented in the country, actually this factor affects sports when they have damages in structural locatios or materials due to insidents and violent disturbes. 

Number of patents 

Changes in patents laws

It may be the growth rate of the economy, the increase in foreign capital flows, the arrival of new international competitors, signing multiple FTAs. One or all of them, the fact is that in recent years Colombia has experienced an increase in the number of applications received for recording both patents (related to inventions or industrial designs, among others) and logos (the properties of a product as a brand advertising slogan, etc.).

According to figures from the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC), the agency responsible for advancing these procedures, patent applications increased from 1,800 in 2009 to 2,300 in 2012, representing a growth of 28%; showed the same behavior in applications to trademark, as 22,000 applications received in 2009, the last year recorded 31,000 (growing by close to 41%).


This significant growth is making a change and adding value to the creation of new goods and technology that at the same time help the conomy of the country finantially and in terms of advance.






Environmental protection laws

To Comply with objectives and targets of Act 99 of 1993, which created the system in Colombia National Environmental "ensure the adoption and implementation of policies and plans, programs and respective projects, in order to ensure compliance with the duties and rights of the State and of individuals with regard to the environment and the natural heritage of the nation. "Moreover the Sports Act, Act 181 of 1995: National Sports System, COLDEPORTES considers relevant to its mandate, contributing in their management scheme, elements and environmental criteria that contribute to the consolidation of sustainable endogenous development and SINA. The standards governing the Environmental Policy are:


  • Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, and others that the entity deems fit to link Develop systems of continuous improvement and best environmental practices

  • revent, minimize, reduce and offset the environmental impacts and risks of their product governance

  • Promote and disseminate environmental awareness in sporting arenas, performing sports, sports training and promotion within its organizational structure, members of the National Sports System and other stakeholders


The implementation and promotion of physical education to contribute to the integral development of the person in all ages and provide effective compliance of its obligations as a member of society. it is thanks to this, where the sport may influence the formation of people with social and environmental responsibility.




Legislation on equal employement 

This law aims to ensure equality bed salary and all forms of labor remuneration between women and famines fix mechanisms by which such equality is real and effective both in the field public bed in the private and establish general guidelines that allow eradicate any discriminatory manner on labor remuneration.

Equality of men and women workers. All workers and women are equal before the law, have the same protection and guarantees, was thereby abolished any distinction couple because of the nature intellectual or material work, the way to pay, the gender sex saves the few exceptions established by law.





Antitrust legislation 

This articulated seeks to be in contact with  the market of mobile communications in the country creating 30 percent participation of companies, no company could have a number of customers who exceed such percentage of total mobile users in Colombia.

 The project under discussion seeks to prevent a provider of telecommunications networks and services, directly or indirectly, may have an interest greater than 30 percent of the market (customers and accounts), portion, according to the bill.


According to this legislation it looks for equality in the percent of participation of big companies in Colombian economy, this is a way to control and give the opportunity to other operators and mobile users to distinguish other brands and be able to use services with the same proposal.

This decrete is far related with the sports industry, the most implicated are the mobile companies and its percent of participation.


Colombian EEUU relationship 

The United States has historically been the main trading partner of Colombia. relationships trade between the two countries have maintained growth and diversification sustainable in recent years. This positive relationship between the two countries has led to consolidation issues such as the implementation of NAFTA, the help in the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism, the investment climate, opportunities in higher education, among others. Additionally, US policy toward Colombia supports the efforts of the Government of Colombia to strengthen democratic institutions, promote respect for human rights and Rule of law, promote socio-economic development, address the needs immediate, and end the threat to democracy posed by narcotics and humanitarian terrorism. To continue to promote security, stability and prosperity in Colombia, Americans continue long-term interests in region.



Colombia Russia  relationship 

Russia shares with Colombia positions at multilateral level on issues such as combating terrorism, human rights, the fight against the world drug problem, trafficking of SALW and organized transnational crime.

Regionally, Russia participates in dialogue with CELAC, UNASUR, MERCOSUR and the Andean Community.




Colombia Asia relationship 

 The Asia Pacific region concentrates 52.1% of the world population and 32.7% of the GDP.  One of the goals of Colombia is to strengthen the competitiveness of the country in the Asia Pacific region, thus creating closer commercial and investment ties. In the productive processes there are complementary elements that through manufacturing and the supply of raw materials, could foster in Colombia the economic and technological progress that brought about the development of the Asia Pacific region.

The close relationship of Colombia with the countries of the region is the result of a deep political dialogue, the active and constructive participation of Colombia in the Asia Pacific forums, and economic, cultural and educational exchanges.




Colombia Europe relationship 

As a result of long-standing and close political, economic, commercial and social ties, Colombia has always been a natural ally of Europe. As a result of the exceptionally good communications between Colombia and the European countries, ties between the public and private sectors and civil society have grown progressively and significantly stronger.

Europe has become a benchmark for topics such as science, technology, development and social cohesion, as well as a source and destination of goods, services, persons, investment, knowledge and the arts. It is also a partner in the multilateral forums that address topics on the international agenda, and a consultant for the solution of the main problems affecting Colombia, both at the national and regional levels, all of which contribute to enhance Colombia's insertion as a player in the globalization process.

However, the new Colombian agenda toward Europe seeks to intensify and renew its relationship with that part of the world, by means of thematic and geographic diversification, with the purpose of generating socio-economic development, positioning Colombia as a global player and building a true strategic Transatlantic alliance.




Import and export regulations 


The following goods may be taken into Colombia by people up to 18 yearsof age without incurring customs duty:
200 cigarettes and 50 cigars and up to 50g of tobacco; two bottles ofalcoholic beverage; a reasonable quantity of perfume.
Colombian law prohibits tourists and business travelers from bringingfirearms into Colombia. Illegal importation or possession of firearms mayresult in incarceration. In many countries around the world, counterfeit andpirated goods are widely available; buying or selling such products is illegalin Colombia, and bringing them back to the United States may result inforfeitures and fines. 


Colombian law also forbids the export of pre-Columbian objects and otherartifacts protected by cultural patrimony statutes. Under a recent agreementbetween the United States and Colombia, U.S. customs officials are obligated toseize pre-Columbian objects and certain colonial religious artwork when theyare brought into the United States.
Travelers departing Colombia must declare to Colombian officials if theyare carrying cash or other financial instruments worth 10,000 U.S. dollars ormore. You should also c.ontact the Embassy of Colombia in Washington or one ofColombia's consulates in the United States for detailed customs guidance fromthe Colombian government. 



Those regulations that Colombian imports and exports have, are the ones who may affect the imports on industry of spots when entering new machines or products used in the sector and that may have prohibitions. 

Government monetary policy


Monetary policy in Colombia is governed by an inflation targeting scheme, whose purpose is to maintain a low and stable rate of inflation, and achieve output growth in line with the potential capacity of the economy. This means that the objectives of monetary policy combined the goal of price stability with maximum sustainable growth in output and employment. While inflation targets are credible, these objectives are compatible. Thus, monetary policy complies with the mandate of the Constitution and contributes to improving the welfare of the population.



The political situation in the world is stressful, not to the brink of war but with multiple geopolitical conflicts centered mainly in the Middle East, but involving the entire world due to the direct support of the United States to Israel. Terrorism remains and destabilizes the free and democratic countries.

In latin america Venezuela and Colombia Countries are quite active borders and mutual business needs, due to differences, was  caused a diplomatic crisis several years that  now seeks to regain the confidence of the industry in his country.


The global political crisis, the long and slow impact, first, generates more reaccionalizaciĆ³n on the  other hand, demonstrates the need to take up Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to analyze and combat the crisis by the development of the revolution, giving direction to the proletarian struggle of the people of the world.





Political conditions in foreign countries 

Size of government budget 

They invested $ 123,888 million, investment will also serve for the World Games in Cali this year.For sports development investment was allocated $ 90 billion dollars, where housing and education subsidies for athletes are included for about $ 7,900 million. For the preparation of athletes for London 2012 were invested $ 10,400 million and $ 2,390 for the Paralympics. In international events held in Colombia were invested $ 4,500 million. For recreation programs and physical activity by citizens invested about $ 79 billion pesos. This investment was channeled into benefit plans for schools, communities and citizen groups. This year will invest $ 19 billion pesos more, totaling $ 312,257,000, and unprecedented milestone in the country.


The investment of the Budget of the government is highly focused on the sports national system, those are the ones who finance most of the teams and leagues in the nation. Is important to remark that the participation of the govermnet in leissure activites and education has increased significantly in the last 2 years. 


International relations in terms of sports 

Dictators like Hitler, Mussolini, Franco or Videla sport appealed to propagate their ideas, but also legitimate heads of state like Obama, Sarkozy or Putin surrender to its spell. A unique look at the history proposed by journalist Alejandro Di Giacomo, since 8 May in the course "Sport and international politics," for the second consecutive year organized ANU AR.El an Aryan Nazi party rode in the Olympic Games in Berlin 1936 international complicity. In the same decade Benito Mussolini did win the World Cup 1934 in Italy with traps and Francisco Franco turned to Real Madrid in their ambassador. In the Cold War, the Soviet Union led to Juan Antonio Samaranch for president of the International Olympic Committee backed multinational capitalists. Beijing hosted the 2008 Olympics despite the violations of human rights of the Chinese government, with support from the international community. Recently, Barack Obama became the first president of the United States to defend an Olympic bid in person, while Nicolas Sarkozy rebuked the campus football team of France after South Africa 2010 and Vladimir Putin lobbied for the 2014 Winter Games and the World Cup 2018.


This affirms that since the First World War political power has been influencing all the propagand and directed most of the sports commitees worldwide, just for political Eds or economic wealthness.

Bilateral cooperation

In Colombia, bilateral cooperation is governed by the framework agreements in culture, education and sports that have been signed with other countries.  The 46 agreements currently in force are executed through joint commissions that meet every two or three years, or by means of programs negotiated for a term of four years.

The joint commissions are the operating mechanisms of the cooperation framework agreements, involving a negotiation process for each category: technical, scientific, cultural, educational and sports cooperation, among others.

The Cultural Diplomacy portal of the Office of Cultural Affairs contains detailed information about framework agreements, joint commissions, programs, memorandums of understanding and other documents related to bilateral cooperation in culture, education and sports in Colombia.


Relations with Ecuador and Peru Insisted that the government wants now, building relationships with neighbors, "making borders in development poles".

Nowadays Colombia has increased his potential entry to new markets, this is one of those, since 2008 the increase in patents of brands,science,industry and others have increase rapidly and have make mors important colombian industry to obtain foreing invest.




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